We’ve Moved! — UPDATE

27-May: Over the next week, or so, the Fippenny News web site will be moved to a new host.
For visitors there should be no obvious change. We might, however, be unavailable for a day or two while the move is in progress.
Our new home will be much bigger, so we’ll be able to do more with the web site.
We don’t (quite) know when the move is going to start but it will be very soon so if we disappear for a while, don’t worry. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
14-Jun: After a few unanticipated delays we started the move this morning. There is likely to be some downtime over the next week – for which you have our apologies in advance.
17-Jun: The move is, as far as we can tell, complete. The site is working on a couple of PCs and mobile phones here at Fippenny News HQ. There may still be some caching issues so, you’re experience problems try clearing your browser cache. Let us know if you have any problems that clearing browser cache doesn’t fix. Please note our new emails:
editor@fippennynews.co.uk – For copy you would like us to publish,
webmaster@fippennynews.co.uk – For website problems.
Thank you for your patience during this move.

Webmaster – Fippenny News
T: 07966 792007