St. Andrew’s Church, Okeford Fitzpaine

Okeford Fitzpaine
DT11 0RE
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Forthcoming Events
Last after Trinity: Holy Communion
Led By:   Readings: Isaiah 55:1-11; 2   Timothy 3:14-4:5   John 5:36b-end Event Code:[...]
Remembrance: Remembrance Service
Led By:   Readings: Micah 4:1-5   Philippians 4:6-9 or Romans 8:31-end Event Code: [SIOB]
St Andrew (Next before Advent): Patronal Holy Communion
Led By:   Readings: Isaiah 52:7-10   Romans 10:13-18   John 1:35-42 Event Code: [SIOB]
3rd of Advent: Carol Service
Led By:   Event Code: [SIOB]