Work started on the Old Orchard site, on Castle Lane, on Saturday 4th January.
Our first aim is to clear overgrown areas. This will give everyone the opportunity to see exactly what the Parish has bought and make better informed plans about short-, medium- and long-term future uses.
Subject to Parish Council, Council and neighbouring landowner agreement the top priority is to plan and install a footpath. This will connect the recreation ground and pavilion to the rest of the village making them much safer for everyone to access – especially during the dark evenings of autumn and winter.
The Old Orchard is split into two areas. The ‘paddock’ area, nearest the road, has no trees. In recent history a pony was kept in it – hence the name. The ‘orchard’ area, furthest from the road, has a few fruit trees. After removing dead wood to make the area safe we will leave these until spring to see if they are worth saving.
Until we know more about the flora and fauna in the Old Orchard we will making careful progress.
Fourteen volunteers worked for two hours to clear the entrance and some of the ‘paddock’ area. Thanks to everyone who turned up. We made visible progress and even saw that snowdrops, which grow near the entrance each year, have begun emerging. We hope for a good display in the coming months.

As a result of the clearance work, so far, we have accumulated a lot of old scrub and branches. If anyone has a shredder and would be prepared to help out or loan it, we could shred most of this to turn it into mulch for gardens. There is some wood that may be suitable for log-burners after drying out. Speak to any parish councillor for more information if you would like some or all it.