Installation of Mobile Telecommunications Mast in St Andrew’s Church
You will be very pleased to hear that the the works to install the Mobile Telecoms mast in the Church start on MONDAY 12 JUNE. Work will take place weekdays only and are scheduled to complete in mid-August.
This work is being carried out by NETCS on behalf of Vodafone.
In brief, this will entail:
- The digging up of a trench from the Lych Gate from beside the main path up to the Church firstly for the laying of an underground duct round the back for an electrical supply for the mast, and secondly for a waste water pipe for the proposed servery and toilet in the Church;
- The installation of a Lancaster box on the south west facing wall;
- The installation of the mast in the Tower
All works will be cordoned off and clearly marked as being work in progress.
The Church will remain open as normal each day and for scheduled Services, Baptisms, Funerals and Weddings during this time.
Access to the Church and Church yard will also remain unhindered for the duration of the works except for where work is being carried out. It would also be appreciated if you could stay out of the NETCS cordoned off work areas and respect their guidance and signs in the normal way.
All efforts to make the work area safe from access will be made in accordance with Health & Safety requirements by NETCS, who are an approved Church of England Contractor.
Access to the Tower will remain under the control of the Tower Captain, Zoe Goddard, to whom all enquiries should be made.
Hopefully once the mast is installed and up and running, all the long suffering Vodafone users will have a long awaited and much improved mobile 4G signal!
If you have any enquiries or questions, please direct them to me and not to the NETCS team.
With many thanks and kind regards,
Chris Jay