Last Call for Volunteers – Beacon Lighting

Good morning.

At last night’s parish council meeting, the council discussed the potential lighting of the beacon on Okeford Hill to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6th. Earlier this year, we asked for volunteers to help with the organisation, traffic management, stewarding, and litter picking so that we could hold a safe event. No volunteers came forward.

We have decided to make one final request for volunteers to help on the beacon on 6th and 7th June. We particularly need help with traffic management, stewarding to ensure the beacon is lit safely and monitored on 6th June (5/6pm-10pm), and a litter pick of the field on 7th June. If we cannot get the help needed, we will unfortunately not be able to light the beacon on Okeford Hill as part of the national commemoration. If you can volunteer, please reply to by Monday, 20 May, stating what you can do.
All offers of help are much appreciated. As much as we would like to participate in this activity, we are unable to do so if the event cannot be operated safely.

Rachael Rowe
Okeford Fitzpaine Parish Council