Leaf Open Farm Sunday

When:Sun 08-Jun-2025. Check description for times / booking instructions.

Contact Name:
Phone:024 76413911
Event Website:https://farmsunday.org

Open Farm Sun­day is a fab­u­lous oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect farm­ers and the pub­lic to dis­cov­er the cru­cial work farm­ers do pro­duc­ing food, nur­tur­ing nature, and pro­tect­ing the envi­ron­ment for future generations.

  • Farm­ers, open your farm and host an event
  • Vis­i­tors, put the date in your diary and come back in the new year
    to find a farm to vis­it in June

Join us for Open Farm Sun­day on Sun­day 8th June 2025 — see you there!

(Ed: Marked as ‘All day’ because each farm will have it’s own visiting times).

Event Code: [LOFS]